How much does hoarding cleanup cost?

workers in biohazard suits cleaning up a hoarders house

Hoarding is a complex disorder that often results in an unlivable home. However, when dealing with hoarding, many people find it difficult to clean up their home on their own and turn to professional cleaning services for help.

But how much does hoarding cleanup cost, and what factors influence the price?

Let’s break down the price range for hoarding cleanup and discuss the key factors that can affect the cost of cleaning up a messy home.

How much does hoarding cleanup cost?

The cost of hoarding cleanup can vary widely depending on several factors. On average, basic hoarding cleanup services start at $1,300. This includes removing trash, debris, and any unwanted items from the home. However, most hoarding cleanup jobs are more complex and require additional services such as deep cleaning, sanitizing, and repairing any damage to the home. As a result, the cost can quickly increase.

Keep Reading: Hoarding Cleanup FAQs

Square footage can impact the cost of hoarding cleanup

Square footage is another crucial factor that affects the cost of hoarding cleanup. Bigger homes require more time and resources to clean up, and thus typically cost more to clean up than smaller homes. A larger home could cost anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000 depending on the size of the home and the degree of clutter.

Keep Reading: What do hoarding cleanup companies do?

Biohazard can increase the overall cost of hoarder cleanup

Degree of biohazard is another element that can influence the price of hoarding cleanup services. If hazardous materials such as mold, mildew, or bacteria are present in the home, additional precautions and safety measures must be taken during the cleanup process. This can increase the overall cost of the job, and typically, the more hazardous material present in the home, the higher the cost.

Keep Reading: What are biohazard cleanup services?

The cost of reconstruction & restoration should also be considered

The level of complexity of the job is another crucial factor that influences the cost of hoarding cleanup. For instance, if the hoarding has caused significant structural damage to the home, repairs will need to be made before the cleaning can begin. This will add to the overall cost of the job. If there are specific items that need to be preserved, such as antiques, art, or family heirlooms, special equipment or handling services may be required, which can also raise the price.

Keep Reading: Get help with hoarding cleanup in DFW